Monday, January 27, 2014

Is it 2015 yet?

Everyone's been writing on social media that 2014 is "Their year!" That problems they have been dealing with will be over, that losses suffered, will be restored, and that heartache turns back into a smile.
I don't know about anyone else but I don't see that happening yet. So far this year has been bustling with busyness, and total disorganization. Friend's are getting physically hurt, and others are fighting to live.
If this is 2014, I'm ready to take a nap and be woken up at midnight 12-31-14.

Ah, but that would be the easy way out and I don't do easy. Seriously! I don't seem to do easy on anything that I attempt to do.

So we keep going, we keep trying, we keep moving forward with an occasional on step back! It's okay. Just keep going forward, struggles are overcome when we don't stop!

Working on a design for my Pastor's sister. I have beads made but will gather all my materials and show you what were going to do with it. First, beads need to be cleaned.
And with that........I'm off!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The significance of a Heart

I have been making hearts for a long time now. There's something about a heart that draws me in. So what's the significance of a heart? Well, some would simply look at it from a logical viewpoint and tell you that the heart is the main organ of the body. It keeps us alive by pumping blood to all the other areas of the body. If it didn't do that, we would die. So basically, the heart is...."Life!"

From an emotional perspective, the heart signifies so many different things. Broken, Happy, Depressed, Cold, Warm, Loving, and Content are a few words that come to mind. You can tell alot about a person by "their heart." That may not be true but I do like to believe that the heart is more than an organ. When we talk about it from this perspective and we say, "He has a great heart!" We don't mean that his ogran is working just perfectly or vice versa. We use a heart as a symbol to tell the goodness of someone's soul. When a person is said to be generous, he has a "big heart." In medical terms that would be called, "Cardiomegaly." If a person is mean, we say he or she is "Cold-hearted!" Some people have "broken" hearts when they end a relationship or lose someone dear to them. I've been there! Alot, in the past few years. They say a heart can be mended over time which is kind of funny because the heart was never broken....from a logical standpoint. 

Most of us view the heart as the biggest emotional part of us, bypassing the brain where emotions are actually created and stored. Alot of artists use different techniques in creating them but we look at them and they touch us somehow.

This first heart, when I look at it, shows a darkness or brokeness on the outside yet the heart is blooming on the inside. The little twists and turns of color was the process it took for that heart to start blooming again. This heart was made by a lampwork artist and her store can be found here. Stephanie's Hearts

This heart also reminds me of a rebirth of the heart. It's taking on a adventurous nature as if it is being given wings to fly. The color orange is "fiery" and overtakes the soft violet as if to take on the world. You can find that heart here Calypso Hearts

This is my heart. I created it in 2012 and it isn't for sale yet. I don't know why I haven't listed it but it has alot of emotion tied into it. Heart is blackened, broken. This was after losing my mom, sister, job, and marriage all in October of 2012. The red inside was not a sign of rebirth or healing but the red is fire! Anger within a broken heart. It was where I was for a long time since.

 I think it might be time to make another heart like this. This time however, there will be rebirth.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy New Year....a bit late

I know, I know, I am a little bit late on the new year but you know how life goes. A new year with new plans and you set out on this journey and things get a little bit crazy during the transition. The main thing however, is that the transition is never over. We are constantly changing things up and what works...stays, and what doesn't....goes! I kind of like that attitude.

So I've been busy decluttering my life. My daughter starts nursing school next month and so we started with her room. Painted the spare room which is bigger for her to make a mess in. Scraping, painting, building will be nice when it's complete. Almost there too! Then the next thing is to move the guest room to the middle room so that I can have the end room as my studio. FINALLY!!! I can't wait to have my own space to work. One where I don't have to drag things out every time I want to make something and then have to put it all away when I'm done. No more worrying about dogs touching or knocking anything over so if I'm working on a project, it can stay out until the next day. I am going to love it!

In my spare time I've been working on more hearts. Valentine's Day is right around the corner and have noticed sales on hearts lately. So I'll be making a few more before it gets too late. Here's some that were made awhile ago and up for sale now on my etsy store.

Oh that reminds me.....My main website will be up and running soon! Love that as well. Yes, I have been quite busy :-)